Sunday, January 24, 2021

A quiet weekend

 With the pandemic, all our weekends are quiet. It was cold out, so I stayed in. Ralph hurt his back so he's laying low, and took a nap. Then he played an online game with Steph, Manda, Amary and Garrett.

I made tacos for dinner, we haven't had them in weeks.

When I was at the NP, the tech showed me a watchband she'd gotten from amazon, so I did a little shopping! Bought one, and put a few on my wishlist. 

I finished this book this morning, and I'll request the next in the series.

I'm 4 days into this page of my cross stitch.

I have one of the Ikea carts that the supplies live on. I have 6 divided boxes for the floss for this project, to keep it organized. There are people who do multiple projects at a time, but I'd need a cart and floss for each project, and it would get unwieldy. Plus, I tend to obsess about a project. 

We're on two lists for the covid immunization. I'm hoping to hear from the other office of our doctor tomorrow with a date for shot #1. We have a date on the county website, but it's not til March, and we'd like to get it before then. 

I've got 2 more books left of the 11 I got from the library! I've already put 5 in the drop off box, and have 3 more to be returned. When I start the last book, I'll request a new batch.

1 comment:

Dona said...

Good luck on getting your covid shot. I am in Monmouth county and we just got a call that we can get our shots tomorrow morning.