Monday, July 22, 2024

Holey Moley! The Prosecutor vs the Felon!

 Or a much stronger expletive. Yesterday Biden announced that he is leaving the prez race, and endorsed Kamela Harris. Yike! Talk about historical. At first I was really upset, then the endorsements started coming in. I was afraid the dems would shoot themselves in the foot, as usual, and run someone other than Kamela, and hand the election to the felon. 

I'm excited to find who they will choose as her running mate. I'd love Mayor Pete, but they wouldn't win. I'd love Whitmer, but they wouldn't win. The country is still more racist and misogynistic than it should be. Shapiro would be a great choice. We should know fairly soon. 

Now I'm going to donate to the  Harris campaign, because I want my grandchildren to have the same rights that my generation fought for.


1 comment:

Dona's Crafts said...

Great comment. I had the same concern but feeling more hopeful as the days go by.