Saturday, August 9, 2008

Root canal and Rainforest Cafe

That was my day- I started out at the dentist at 8.30 with a root canal for my poor abscessed tooth. The root canal wasn't as bad as I expected, and I was out of there in an hour with a numb jaw.
I called Heather and I said I was home already. She and niece Sharon were planning a journey to Atlantic City to go to lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. It was one of the things Eddie remembered from our Florida trip last summer. So we journeyed, with Eddie and toddlers Mackenzie and Julie. AC is only 30 minutes or so from Heather's house, and we got there and were seated around 2.
Rainforest Cafe is cool- it's like you're sitting among the trees, with statues of birds and monkeys and huge tanks of real fish. And elephants, which is ridiculous. Every 20 minutes the lights dim, the gorillas scream, it thunders and lightnings, and you hear the sound of rain. Julie and Kenzie were startled and not happy with the rainstorms!
A person in a treefrog costume was walking around, which Eddie loved. The girls didn't want any parts of it. The service was good- they take the kids orders and get them out really quickly.

By the time we got back to Heather's my jaw was aching, which advil helped. It was a fun afternoon.



Manda said...

I'm glad the root canal went fast! Hope your jaw feels better soon.

Stephee said...

I wanna go! I hope you feel better. maybe we can have dinner on Thursday?