Saturday, February 28, 2015

The last of February!

What a long, cold, snowy, icy month this has been! I'm so glad to see the end of it. I took two sick days this week- Monday I was throwing up, and Thursday I had such a bad head cold that I just wanted to sleep. 

By Thursday night I was feeling human, and we finally got our dinner out with Ed, Heather, Eddie and Julie. We went to Texas Roadhouse, which the kids love. Unfortunately Ralph developed a toothache that day, so he stuck with soft foods. He went to the dentist Friday morning, and is feeling so much better now.

This morning we had a couple errands to run, the went to Applebee's for lunch. They have an appetizer of sweet potato fries with dipping sauce, which was really good! Then I went into Michaels for yarn to make a baby chick hat for Amary. 

Last night I had dinner at Olive Garden with part of Cookie Swap, which was a lot of fun. So far we've managed to get together 3 months in a row! 

I'm reading Secrets of the Lost Summer by Carla Negron, and enjoying it. It's the first of a loose series, or so the internet tells me. 

So, Goodbye February! It's been real!


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