Saturday, January 18, 2014

More soup

Today's soup is chicken noodle- chicken stock, chicken, celery, shredded carrots and fine noodles. It came out really well, but a little bland. I added salt and pepper to my bowl, and that fixed it. We had grilled cheese with it, of course! 

We had snow flurries this morning- better than the two feet of flurries that my friend Janet in NY state had! 

I have three snowflakes done for my blizzard! I took the advise of Sherry and made them in yarn with a bigger hook first, to get the idea of the pattern, now I'll go back and try crochet thread. 

Baby Joey will be a year old this week, and Amary turns six months old tomorrow! 

We went to the grocery store this morning and spent a small fortune. It had been almost a month since we did a big shopping. I love our little grocery store in town- it has about everything you need, without all the extraneous aisles. If you don't stop to talk- sometimes you run into half the town- you can be in and out in a half hour. 

I just finished the new Jayne Anne Krentz, "River Road", which was really good. She remains my absolute favorite author. 

And the beat goes on!

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