All of a sudden, summer is here. Too hot, too fast- typical south jersey weather. But the sky is blue, and Steph and Toast are out sunning themselves.
I've been working on the MQX Mystery Quilt a little every night. (I'd get things done a lot faster if I didn't have to go to work every day, but then again I wouldn't have the funny money to play with.) I was having trouble with the one block, and emailed Mark Lipinski. He emailed me back the same night! In the meantime, I looked at the pix I'd taken at the class, and figured out the problem.
Yesterday I went to Joann's Fabrics and got some of a fabric line called Tutti Fruiti to make Julianna some shorts and tops. I didn't count that in my weekly numbers, because it's not quilting fabric. It was a great sale- usually $6.99 a yard, on sale for $1.99! Can't beat that!
I did some damage at MQX's vendors. Lots of thread for the HQ16 at the Superior booth. It was $10 cheaper per spool than I can get it locally, so I got enough to last all year. I also got some glow in the dark thread- Eddie will love that. And a bunch of stabilizer, some patterns, and a bunch of novelty FQ's. And I discovered Fairy Frost- how gorgeous- so I bought some FQ's and some half yard cuts of that. And 3 pantos to try, and a template for the HQ16.
I found a new to me author- Mariah Stewart. Steph and I went thru her "Dead" series, and I'll drop them off to Mom today. The main characters are all either related or friends, and are FBI or local law enforcement. Really good, and highly recommended.
In two weeks Manda and Steph meet in NC to visit Heather, Ed and the kiddies for a long weekend. Heather's got all kinds of trips planned for them. I can't believe Eddie is almost done school for the year!
Two weeks after they get back, Steph and Toast move to their new apartment in Mt. Laurel- I'll be glad to have her back in Jersey. And she'll be 12 miles from us instead of 29. And, best of all, she'll have a dishwasher, washer and dryer!
I got the nicest Thank You card from Mike and Donna for the quilt. I'm so glad they like it- I knew Donna would love it, but was afraid Mike would think it was a little girly. But Mike likes anything that makes Donna happy, so we're all good. Now almost all the adult members of the family have gotten quilts- just two couples left to make for. (You know who you are, LOL)
Sunday things that make me happy:
McD's sweet iced tea with extra lemon!
Two months left of the school year!
Our yard is coming along.