Sunday, May 16, 2021

Spring is back!

 Our zone's last freeze date was yesterday, so it's safe to plant. I ordered canna bulbs, and they have been shipped. I also got moonflower seeds, which I shared with Heather. My mom always had moonflowers when we were kids. 

My roses are still looking and smelling so good!

We went to the Salvation Army thrift store, and I got another stack for Julianna!

LOL, when I'm winding yarn into a ball, my watch thinks I'm on the elliptical! It also does not record steps when I'm holding a shopping cart. Silly watch.

Three full color sets done! I wanted to both work on it, and watch some of the zillion shows I have on the DVR. 

I did my 3 miles on the bike this morning. I'm averaging 5-7 times a week to use it, first thing in the morning. Reading while biking helps so much. I put music on, then tune it out. 

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