Sunday, May 2, 2021

Happy May!

 May 1 was actually chilly! We had to close the windows and turn the heat back on. It's supposed to be 80 today.

This kid doesn't care! he just bundled up and went out on the jet ski anyway!

His mom and sister went on the boardwalk instead!

Best calendar ever! Heather collected photos from her sisters, and made us all the same calendar.

We went to an early dinner, and brought home so much food! Fill up on salad and bring home most of the entree!

We made a library stop to pick up requests. And we made a stop at the Auction, and got a pretzel.

Ben and Joey's snakes are done thru the end of April! 

And the Apache Tears is moving along. It's going better now that the pattern is established.

And these two met halfway between Seattle and Portland for a sister lunch and gift exchange! 

I've been riding the exercise bike 6-7 times a week, and today I did 3 miles! Ralph rigged up a clamp, and I can read on the iPad mini while I ride, so the time goes by so much better. It took about 20 minutes to do the 3 miles. I do it as soon as I get up, or it won't get done. 

I'm reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue for our Cookie Swap book club. It had been on request for about 2 months, and I finally got it. I'm 100 pages into it, and it's going slowly. Mary Beth hated it, Sarah loved it, and so far I'm meh about it. Hopefully it gets better. 

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