Thursday, August 21, 2014

Three Weeks Post-op!

The new knee is doing very well. The walker is history, and  so is the leg lifter. I still need the shower chair, and the cane most of the time. It takes a few steps for the leg to get going right. 

I got the 22 staples removed last week. Wow, did that hurt! More than I expected! And it throbbed for hours. The xrays look good, and ortho is very happy with my bend and straightening. Now I have to strengthen it. 

As soon as the staples came out, I started driving. It's my left knee, so the hard part is getting it up into the car. Ralph is thrilled that I'm driving!

The invitations are out for the celebration of Steph and Dan's marriage! I'm very excited to have them all come home for that in October. 

This will be my 25th year as a school nurse, and most likely my last working full time. I wasn't ready to retire, and suddenly I am ready. I'd like to work a few days a week, so I have to explore that. 

After a week of beautiful temps, it got hot and humid again, and the AC is back on. 

And so it goes!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm 7 wks post op. what a difference those weeks make.your lucky only 22 staples,I had 36. and your right holy cow does that hurt!
Unfortunately,it was my right knee so driving is still not easy. warming up to it by working on my sewing machine foot pedal. good excuse, it's therapy! one good result of down time was getting a lot of hand work done.
If you have any opportunity to get in a pool take it. Just walking back and forth is the best and safest exercise.
Good luck with your rehab.

Donna B Ft.Myers Florida (Long Island NY)