Monday, December 17, 2012

I know, I know

I know I haven't posted in a month. A combination of reasons, one of which is my glasses. The first lenses were awful, hurt my eyes terrible. They reordered them, and the new ones were OK for distance, terrible for on the computer or reading the paper. Since I have to be on the computer at work, I wasn't on as much at home- my eyes felt strained all the time. I went back today, and the bifocals were set to low, so they ordered yet another set of lenses for me. I haven't even been reading very much!

Three and a half school days, then Christmas break! We have birthdays in December- Ed, David, Megan, Kamee and Heather, my school friend Doris. 

Thanksgiving was wonderful. We had Manda and Ben home, and Mom lent them her car for the visit, which worked out great. We had Thanksgiving dinner at Donna and Mike's. Friday was a day of rest and wrapping and knitting lessons. Saturday was Thanksmas at Heather and Ed's, and Sunday was Joe and Ali's baby shower. Manda and Ben left right from the shower for the airport and back to Mill Creek. They leave this Friday night for Omaha, to spend Christmas with the Briles. 

Last week we had our cookie-less Cookie Swap dinner. We went to Riverwinds, which is a beautiful place right on the Delaware River in Deptford. It was great to catch up with Franny, Carol, Kamee and Sandy. 

We're having our family Christmas this Saturday at Steph and Dan's. That frees up Heather, Ed and the kids to spend Christmas Day with the O"Flynns, and Steph and Dan to have a chill day. Christmas morning Mike, Donna, Mom, Jake and whoever is around are coming here for breakfast. 

Heather, Steph, Julianna and I had a Lancaster day on Saturday. We're really late with it this year, but it wasn't as crowded as we were afraid it would be. We got a lot of shopping done, and had some bonding time. 

I think my quilting mojo has returned from it's long journey to who knows where! I made a couple of small Christmas gifts, and enjoyed doing them.I'm also still crocheting, and fooling around with knitting. 

Cliffie has been sick, which is heartbreaking. All those years in the garage she was perfectly healthy, a year inside and she's sick. Labs were good, but she was put on an antibiotic. Ralph and I wonder if she had a TIA- she's just not herself, and is so thin. She doesn't appear to be in any pain, and Ralph watches her very closely. 

And the beat goes on!

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