Sunday, February 10, 2019

A Finish!

The master bathroom is finished!

The guys worked half a day yesterday, and finished it! Yay! They estimated a ten day project, and finished it in six! 

Now we wait for the carpet installation, which should be late this week, via a different contractor. 

And we shopped!
This is the vanity I decided on for the hallway bathroom, and a light gray paint. Same medicine cabinet as the master bath, and same floor tile. Tub/shower combo, basic white. White door.

Natalie is drawing up a contract, and our tentative start date is next Monday. Ralph went and got the vanity and top and doors this morning, and will get the tub tomorrow.

Tuesday he gets his hand injected with an enzyme to dissolve what is keeping his little finger bent. He goes back Friday for the hand surgeon to break up the areas, so he'll be in a splint for several days after that. So we have a time crunch to get the materials here.

It's going to be epic when we're done!


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