It's August! It's been so hot this summer. We had a few nice nights this week when I turned off the AC and opened the windows, but we're back to hot.
Ralph decided we needed to show our appreciation to our local police. So he got a hoagie tray and a case of coke, and we delivered it to the police station. They were very appreciative, and took our picture with the staff that was in the station at the moment, and put the pic on their facebook page.
I'm so excited to see Manda, Ben, Amary and Garrett in a few weeks. Garrett is taking a few steps! He'll be a year old on the 12th, sharing Ben's birthday. They're both taking swimming lessons. I just saw them in April, but that seems forever ago.
Steph arrives here in a few hours- she's in for meetings at her home office. And we'll see Dan in a few weeks when we meet up for our Alaska cruise. He calls the cruise ship a floating coffin!
I have to have Ralph figure out why all the pix I take on my phone don't show up here. I have others that I want to share.
I finished up a big cross stitch piece- one of those pix that doesn't show up- and now I'm itchy to start another. I have two that i want to start- one that will stay here, and one that will go on the cruise with me. And I want to start a crochet piece, but have to figure out what pattern- I have the yarn all ready.
This week I need a haircut and a pedicure for the trip. I need cruise toes! And I need to start my "don't forget" list.
When I wake up in the morning, instead of wanting to stay in bed, I start thinking about all the things I want to do each day, and I get up and get to them. If it's a recumbinent bike day, that gets done first, or it doesn't get done. Today was a go to the grocery store before it gets crowded day. I love not having to get up and go to work!
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