Thursday, March 13, 2025

One month old!

 That's how old this little munchkin is!

 Too cute for words! May she grow up to be a strong, opinionated, fierce woman! 

It's been a good week, weatherwise. In the 50's and 60's, so nice. But Mother Nature has been known to screw with us, so we'll see.

Government wise, not so much. How can two men screw up so many things in such a short time? And why the fect are the other men not growing a spine? It's so maddening.

I've been making chemo caps for a long time friend who's been diagnosed with cancer. So far I've mailed her two.

 We mailed them yesterday. 

I finished the multicolored one last night. From a facebook posting of directions. So easy, you make a big rectangle, seam up the sides, and gather the top. 

We/I am continuing to try to empty the big freezer, it's an ongoing project. I'm only buying replacement items that I'll need soon, I want to use up the stock of meat and veggies before replacing them. Last weekend we emptied the two lazy susans that I keep canned goods in, to see what we have. I only had to get rid of 3 very outdated items, and I found things that were on the shopping list. I have to do it maybe once a year.  

No sewing lately, I have the yarn for 3 more chemo caps that are the priority, and I've been reading.

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