Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Another week passed

It's now nine weeks since Joe died. Some days I think I have a handle on the grief, then something happens. Last weekend it was an obstacle race that Heather and Eddie ran in. It didn't have a specific theme, but Heather gave it one, for her. I saw the pix of her shirt and cried. Sent them to my brother and he choked up. 

Yesterday I was talking to a relative who also lost someone dear to addiction. We were both crying at a couple of points in the conversation. 

I am to the point of going whole days without crying, which is good. I can't even imagine the pain that my brother and sister in law are having. My sister in law said she has days that are less worse than others. 

We miss you Joseph, and we always will. Rest in peace, you don't have to fight any more. We love you.

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