Sunday, August 17, 2008

Quiet Sunday

Quiet is good! No crisis at the moment, and hopefully it'll stay that way.

My groovy boards came, now I just need some ambition to get back to quilting Manda's quilt.

Ralph is working on the deck, and Toast is napping beside me. Manda and Ben are in San Fransisco, and Steph is down visiting with Heather, Ed and the kidlets.

I've been sorting thru quilt magazines, and only keeping the patterns that I like. I've given away and recycled bags and bags, and the end is in sight. I hope to have that done tonight. I've already cleared off a shelf that fabric can now go onto.

Things to be happy about:
The sky is blue, and it's in the low 80's
I'm making progress in the sewing room
The porch will be stained this week.
A quiet day!


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