Saturday, December 21, 2024


 I know, I know, it is December after all. And today is the Solstice. But the snow last night caught me off guard anyway. 

 It's less than an inch, and looks pretty, but still. 

 Talk about a big dressing! Yikes! The pressure dressing had to stay on for 24 hours, then I was happy to change it out. The incision goes from the side of my nose to my jawline. Basal cell, again.

 Memories! They were so little! Now Amary is 11, and Squeaky is 9. 

I finished the trilogy, so good! 


We bought 2 three pound bags of rice, thinking it would be more than enough. Not! I got 2 full rice bags and part of a third done, now I have to get more rice! Ralph was my beta tester. I nuked the bag for one minute, and he said it was perfect and stayed hot for a good amount of time. The other finished one is for Ed for Christmas. 

My final Amazon order came yesterday. Now I have to find the gift bags! 

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