Tuesday, December 31, 2024

So long 2024

 It feels like I just got  used to writing 2024, and it's almost over! I don't have high hopes for our country for 2025, I just hope it survives. I'm still in a state of rage and despair. And of course the future LOTUS is already going back on campaign promises, no surprise there. 


Goodreads has decided the year is over! I love that it keeps track of the number of pages read! 

I'm doing some re-arranging, with Ralph doing most of the actual work. The cookbook bookcase in the dining room is going into the sewing room- I've already schlepped the books into the room. 

The dining room table is going on the porch. The china hutch is going where the bookcase was. And the HQ16 is going from the basement to where the dining room table was! My big goal for 2025 is to get some of those tops quilted! 

Heather is maybe going to stop up today, and if so, I'll ask her to help Ralph move the table.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Last weekend of the year!

 Yikes! 2024 sure sailed by! And it's almost over. Tomorrow is Heather's birthday- my oldest is going to be 50! How did that happen so fast?

 Heather and her girls! Julianna and Eddie's girlfriend Steph. Jules is taller than everyone!

 Eddie and Steph.

 Santa's cutest reindog! Steph and Dan's dog Mocha. Just too cute for words, and is the boss of their house.

I didn't take any pix on Christmas day. We were at Heather and Ed's, and I was too busy enjoying myself to take pix. When Heather puts some up, I'll copy them.

I finally binged the last 3 episodes of Yellowstone last night while I crocheted. Very violent, and sad. Excellent writing, and a good twist about selling the ranch. I'll miss the show. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024


 I know, I know, it is December after all. And today is the Solstice. But the snow last night caught me off guard anyway. 

 It's less than an inch, and looks pretty, but still. 

 Talk about a big dressing! Yikes! The pressure dressing had to stay on for 24 hours, then I was happy to change it out. The incision goes from the side of my nose to my jawline. Basal cell, again.

 Memories! They were so little! Now Amary is 11, and Squeaky is 9. 

I finished the trilogy, so good! 


We bought 2 three pound bags of rice, thinking it would be more than enough. Not! I got 2 full rice bags and part of a third done, now I have to get more rice! Ralph was my beta tester. I nuked the bag for one minute, and he said it was perfect and stayed hot for a good amount of time. The other finished one is for Ed for Christmas. 

My final Amazon order came yesterday. Now I have to find the gift bags! 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

A cold weekend!

 Right now it's 21 out! Yikes!

 A finish!

 Another finish! This one is a little smaller, 2 rows of 5 instead of 3 rows. It was the house cleaner's monthly visit, so I holed up in the sewing room.

Yesterday I got the rice bags started. I got 4 cut and sewed, now I have to get some rice to fill them with.


I finished Book One of the Dragon Heart Trilogy, very good.

I went back thru pix and counted- I've made 22 table runners this year! Two were small, 3 rows of 3 squares, but the rest were full sized, except for the slightly smaller one I made yesterday. 

I have a whole hamper full of various sized batting scraps, and I've made a good dent in them. I just discovered there is a fusible tape that you can put pieces together with, so I ordered that. And of course I've been raiding the closet for the fabrics to back the runners. 

I have to count the baby afghans I've made, it's a least 6.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

A week

 I didn't realize that it's been a week since I posted! Not too much going on. I'm still in a state of rage and despair, I figure that will be the next 4 years. 

So when the Felon Elect is inaugurated, does he become the Felon of the US - FOTUS? Or the Liar of the US- LOTUS? or the Grifter of the US- GOTUS? 

I saw a meme on Facebook yesterday. When someone wishes you Happy Holidays, the response is "This is America, no one is happy." I love it and plan to use it. 

 Another one done! I have another Christmasy one ready to turn, and one ready to sew the rows together. Then I plan to switch to rice bags. I never know what to get my son in law Ed. He's an active person, and now that he's in his late 50's, getting the aches and pains that we all do. So a rice bag is a good bonus gift. I told Ralph, and he wants one also. 

 The second in the Lost Brides trilogy! So good! Now we have to wait a year for the conclusion. 

I made my amazon Xmas wish list, for Ralph and the girls. Lots of tea, some candy, and a few Quilting items. I do a big range of prices. 

Thursday, December 5, 2024


 It's been going down into the 20's at night! And today's forcast is rain and snow! Yikes!

 Another baby afghan done! 

Huckleberry was watching the dog show! She kept running outside to look for the dogs!


Another  table runner laid out! I love batiks. 

Another trilogy read! The first one started out kind of slow, but then sped up. I really enjoyed the trilogy. 

We tried to go food shopping yesterday, but the parking lot was so full that we left! It was the first we'd tried to go to Shop Rite in about a month. We might try again today.


Saturday, November 30, 2024

Post Holiday

 After day 5 of the stomach virus, I called my doctor's office. The local office was closed, but I spoke to a nurse from their central office. She agreed that it has been going on too long, and advised me to go to an urgent care. 

The urgent care doc is my new favorite person. He gave me a gram of an antibiotic, and said keep up with the yogurt and lomotil. Now it's Saturday morning, and no issues for 26 hours! Yay! Fingers crossed.

 Baby afghan in progress! One more set of 6 rows, and it will be done.

I laid out my fancy templates for another zigzag table runner.


This one is more wintery than Xmasy. I hope to start sewing on it today.

 I gave Moose some love, cleaned out the lint under the bobbin case, oiled her, gave her a new needle, and rethreaded her. She's all set!

 To my left is a double window on one wall, ironing board and sheles on another.

Best worktable ever, a drafting table that I got years ago at a yard sale for $10.


Overflow desk, in front of the fabric stash.

 From one of the two doorways.

 I love how it looks on the coffee table in the living room!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Almost Turkey Day

 After 48 hours of a stomach virus, I'm almost back to baseline. I've been eating yogurt every day to restore good gut bacteria.

 I finished this, book 9 in a series that I've been reading since the beginning.

 I put this together yesterday, a little tablerunner/hot pad for Heather. It's sewn together but not backed or anything.

 And the two current table runners in progress are sewn to the backing and batting. 

I also did another several rows on the current baby afghan, which I did not take a picture of. 

Sunday, November 24, 2024


 The best laid plans. We were going to go out to brunch, but I was up half the night, sick. So I plan to lay low today. 

 I got this top sewed together yesterday. Then I laid out this one for Heather, who wants red and white.

First layout, but she didn't like the gray.


Replaced the gray houses with plain red, and it was a winner. I'm so glad to be able to text pix! I asked what she wanted as a backing, and she said gray or winter. Went to the stash and found this:

 Not a great pic, as it's lighter, but she loves it. There's a couple of yards, and I'll use it for this one and the top one. 

And, she has to have a tooth pulled, and can do it Wednesday or wait 3 weeks due to her schedule. So she asked if we can change our Wednesday Thanksgiving til tomorrow. I suggested we cancel, as she's got so much going on, and we have reservations at the Diner for actual Turkey Day. She seemed relieved to do that. With her unit so understaffed, and bonuses being offered so often, she's working a lot. Add to that Eddie's nursing school schedule and his job as ER transport in another hospital, and Julianna's senior year schedule, and Ed's work schedule which is more regular, and you have a busy family! It's a wonder we ever see any of them!

So, more sewing time for me! I also did about 4 rows on the latest baby afghan last night while I finished watching Moonflower Murders.

Friday, November 22, 2024

December "Fun"

 December is shaping up, ugh. I now have appointments with the podiatrist, dentist for a root canal and crown, and dermatology for removal of the basal cell on my cheek. Too much fun. Ick. So add Ick to Rage and Despair, and Merry Fecking Christmas.

 After I got both of  Steph's tablerunners backed and topstitched, I laid out this one yesterday. Moved a couple of squares around this morning, may sew this afternoon. 

I talked to my brother Mike. Two different psychics told two different people that Joe came across and said Michael and Samantha's baby would be born in February. Baby is due March 2, so the end of February is right in range. Mike said things in Heaven must be slow if Joe is running around telling psychics when the baby is due. I said I guess mom is done yelling at Joe, since it's been 5 years since he died.

Today is Joe's 38th birthday in Heaven, I still can't believe he's gone. I tear up every time I pass the cemetary. I have a ritual, I salute my Dad and Pop, blow a kiss to Mom and MomMom, and put my hand to my heart for Joe. And most times I don't cry. 

We got snow flurries this morning! Joe probably sent them to us, too. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Mid week

 The weeks are flying by! Maybe because we're older?

 I finished the 3rd of the Chronicles of the One Trilogy. So good! The magickal battle between light and dark, complete with dragons! Now I need a fluffy read.

 I got Steph and Dan's coffee themed table runner top sewed together, and it's pinned to the backing and batting.

 With the leftover squares, I made a smaller one.

 Rooted around and found the perfect backing fabric for them! I have no memory of buying this, but there's a couple of yards.

Today we have our monthly lunch with an old friend from my school nurse days. There used to be several of us, but death and nursing homes stopped all but us and Mary Ester.

And I have to make a dentist appointment, ick.