Saturday, March 27, 2021

Counting down!

 Two days til we get our second Covid immunization! Monday at 11.45. I fully expect to feel lousy Monday night into Tuesday, and that's ok. 

Sweet Honey Rose in her new lion costume. It's so funny how dogs can look so disgusted. Heather assured me that there were treats.

I forgot to take pix before we cut it! It's beef 
enchilada casserole, basically taco in a dish. It was really good, reheated really well, and so much less messy than regular tacos. It's a keeper of a recipe!

Ralph bought cushions for the girls! Lucy has been like Goldilocks, spending time on each on. Friday figured if it's good enough for Lucy, it's good enough for her.

Nothing new on the crafting front, I've been in a slump for a week. I've been reading, and barely watching TV. I was to start an Apache Tears afghan with scraps, and I've watched the you tube video twice. Now I just have to do it.

Some cooking is in my future. We went to the Amish market yesterday, because we used up all the meatballs. That is, Ralph used them up, LOL. So I bought 4 pounds of meatloaf mix, which should make about 60ish meatballs. I also got a half pound of breakfast sausage meat, which I'll brown and freeze, and a pound of breakfast sausage links, which I'll bake and freeze. We also got cold cuts, rolls, half a cheesecake with cherries, and fudge. We got there about ten, so I didn't have to wait in line at any of the stores. 

So I better get to it! Library run first, to take back several and pick up one, then cook.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

A beautiful day!

 The sun is shining, the sky is blue! We're getting used to the time change.

Easter is so close to St Patrick's Day this year! I hung our new Easter shower curtains, put a springy table cloth on, and we're decorated! Yay!

Amazon had the lion mane costume so cheap that I had to buy it for Honey Rose! I had it sent to Julianna, and it will arrive tomorrow. I told Heather, and she said it'll be great, the campground that they will have the camper this summer has a pet costume parade as well as a Halloween parade. And Honey is so patient, she'll put up with it as long as Heather keeps the treats coming!

The cross stitch is off the frame for now. I'm doing the last column on the right, and it's too much of a reach for a lefty, so I've put the project on a smaller q snap for now. I'm taking a break from it, to start a new crochet temp project in a new to me stitch. It's called Apache Tears, and I love the look of it. I just watched a couple of you tube videos, and printed out instructions. 

Not the greatest picture.

We also made a library run! I took back a bunch, and picked up a bunch. 

I've been in a cooking slump, haven't been real hungry and haven't felt like cooking. I did make cowboy casserole, and that lasted a few days. Then we had DiGiorno's pizza, and yesterday we got chicken cheese steaks from JJ's Kitchen here in town. I made scrambled eggs and sausage yesterday for breakfast. 

I have been doing lots of reading, still hooked on Patricia Briggs' two series. Mercy the shape shifter is the main character in one, and in the same universe, Charles and Anna are the Alpha and Omega werewolves in the other series. Briggs makes werewolves, shifters, vampires and the fae plausible and logical, and the books are very well written. Urban fantasy isn't usually my thing, but she writes so well that I'm hooked. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Rainy day

 It's supposed to be rainy and dreary all day. Better than snow!

Time to move the q snap! Still not halfway there!

I had to take a cross stitch break and give the snakes some love! They are up to date as of Monday. 

We went food shopping on Tuesday, and I bought myself flowers! I was going to buy them the last time we went, for my birthday. But since it was near Valentine's Day then, they only had huge expensive bouquets. I just wanted something cheerful for my counter. 

One of the books I read this week. My Hyundai had a recall, so we went yesterday to get that taken care of. We both had our books to occupy us. 

I made Cowboy Casserole Monday, so we've been having that for dinner. Even though it takes just one pound of ground beef, when I add the other ingredients, it makes a big casserole. Luckily, Ralph loves it. For lunch yesterday, he ate the last of the latest bag of meatballs from the freezer. I think I only made 2 pounds the last time, about 30 meatballs. So I need a quick trip to the meat market at the Amish Market to get meatloaf mix.

Dan was able to get his Covid shot Monday, and Steph goes today! They are so excited, they've already made plane reservations to come home over Mother's Day! And since we have no indoor cats at the moment, they can stay here! Of course, that means Ralph has to clean the guest room, since he's annexed it. 

11 days til we get Covid shot #2!

Friday, March 12, 2021

The end of a week

 Friday again!  The days sure run into one another. As do the weeks. Maybe that means I'm getting old.

Another page done! And still not halfway there! 

Eddie was happy with the no occasion of socks and a hard drive that we left for him. The kid love socks, he has two full bureau drawers full of them! And computers! He has two monitors set up. 

Stuffed shells and meatballs for dinner- easy peasy! Making the meatballs and freezing them works out so well for us. Ralph likes to have an occasional meatball as a snack! I make two pounds at a time, and use his Nanny's recipe, except that I've updated it to make them in the oven rather than 
frying  them. 

It's been in the 60's, and yesterday it was over 70! I opened a couple of windows and let the fresh air in. 

Another new to me author that I've gotten hooked on. Paranormal was never my preferred genre, but some of these authors do it so well! 

I have no idea what's for dinner, I have to think about it. And the time changes tomorrow night! 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 Finally, nice weather! In the 60's all week, blue skies, just so nice. Mike called me last night to tell me the peeper in the swamp were awake, so spring is here! Yay! 

We went to see Jules yesterday, to take her birthday gifts. She loved the beach towel! I got her a bunch of things that I thought she'd like, and she was happy with everything. She goes to actual school two days a week, and wants to go every day. I can't believe she'll go to high school in September! We had a nice visit with her, Heather and later Ed. Eddie was at school, then playing tennis with friends, so we missed seeing him.

White Castle Casserole is what this is called. Crescent roll top and bottom, filling is ground beef, onion, cheese and mustard. We put ketchup on it when we ate it. I halved the recipe, and it was just the right amount. Ralph had half, I had a quarter, and he had the last quarter the next day for lunch. I served it with broccoli. 

Over the weekend we ate local- chicken cheese steaks from JJ's with cheese fries. They are so big that we had half, then nuked the other halves the next day for lunch.

The first two are the latest in series that I read, both were very good. The Helen book is the first I've read by this author, and it's intriguing. I'm only about 50 pages into it so far. 

Cross stitch is coming along, snakes need some attention. 

My car has a recall, so we just made an appointment for next week to get that taken care of. It takes 90 minutes, so we'll go and wait for it. 

I also read these two books, both #2 in series. I'll request both #3's, then decide if they've grabbed my attention enough to keep up with them. 

I saw the NP at the dermatologist's office on Monday for a skin check, all is well. I didn't expect any issues, but I think it's been to years. 

Now I have to go ponder what's for dinner. The age old question.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Another week!

 We had birthdays! Two of them.

This beautiful girl is now 14!

She is getting so grown up!

Mom would be 91! She was so thrilled to share Julianna's birthday!

We did a library pickup!

This page of the cross stitch is going very well!

My latest reads. The Melania book was fascinating. And the Alpha and Omega is getting to be one of my favorite series!

Our Olive Garden takeout was fantastic. We haven't ordered from them for a few months, and it was really nice. And we got more than one meal from it, yay!

Another day of beautiful blue skies. From inside, it looks way warmer than it actually is. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A Good Start!

 We got our first Covid immunizations yesterday!

They had us sit for a half hour after, because of my allergies and that I carry an epi pen. Last night both our arms were tender at the injection sites. We're on the road to normal!

Welcome to March! An entire year since the world fell apart, it's amazing. Who would have thought? And so many tragic deaths that could have been avoided, how sad. 

I read this yesterday, my new favorite author! Not my usual genre, but I enjoy her writing so much! I've requested the next couple in the series from the library. 

The sky is blue, the sun is out, it's still cold, and the wind was blustery last night. Heather and her family come home today from a day of skiing in the Poconos. 

And tomorrow is Julianna's 14th birthday! It would be Mom's 91st birthday. I'm not sure when we'll see Jul to give her gifts to her. I had the Adagio March tea box sent to her, so we can drink the same tea on the same days. 

We're thinking of take out from Olive Garden for dinner tonight, it's been a couple of months since we've gotten food from there. Tour of Italy is sounding good!