Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Fall is back

 It got chilly again! The windows are back to being closed, and I just clicked the heat on. We used the electric blanket last night.

We both wore Amanda made originals on Sunday. She gets such use of the sewing machine that I bought her.

 We had such a good time at Charlotte's birthday party. It's so rare for them to have all their grandchildren in the same place at the same time. Ben living in VA means they don't see enough of him.

 I don't know why the one pic is sideways. I'm still using up yarn, and decided to do a gender neutral baby afghan. I'm a third or half done this one, it goes fast.

Today I have a routine cardiology appointment. My cardiologist is an electrophysiologist, which is a specialty. He only deals with patients with arrythmias. He jokes with me that when I have an appointment, I lower the average age of that day's patients by years. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

October weather

 It's goofy! AC has been off, windows open. Then it got too cool, so windows closed, electric blanket on the bed, electric throw on the couch, long sleeves.

Then yesterday,  upper 70's, the same today. So heat off, some windows open, short sleeves.

 This one is now done. I didn't take a pic of the final afghan.

I started this one. Ten rows of yellow, 4 of white, ten of mint green, 4 of white, etc. Gender neutral. I'm using up yarn that I don't remember why I bought.


Super book by one of my new favorite authors! So many twists that it will make you dizzy! Speaking of twists, I watched the pilot of the new show Matlock. What an ending! It's kind of along the lines of Elspeth.

 My new Apple watch on my wrinkly hand! The screen is so much bigger! Mine was probably 5 years old, so I wanted an upgrade.'

This one is all done and waiting mailing envelopes to arrive to it can go to Manda.


The final two zigzag Halloween runners are sandwiches and the edges sewn around, and I did this pink one while I was at it. They are trimmed and sitting on the couch waiting for me to turn them right side out, then they can be topstitched. The Halloween ones are for Heather and me, and I haven't assigned the pink one yet. 

It's Sunday, so lunch with Frank and Charlotte. Chili's today. Then tonight, to Sharon's for cake for Charlotte's birthday. I want a day off from even thinking about the election. Sigh.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


The older I get, the more time flies on by! I wish it would fly right to November 5, and be done with it. I'm so sick of T and V and their constant lies. I know he won''t accept the results of the election, and I just hope he loses so overwhelmingly that it isn't even a question. Such a small, old, senile, evil man. And yet I have cousins who think he's the answer to all our problems. Sigh. Luckily, they are my Philly cousins who I see at weddings and funerals. And Vance, as one commentator said, is the first person running for VP who doesn't know who won the last election.

On a happier note, a new place opened about 5 miles from us, Amy's Omelet House. The menu is huge! I forgot to take pix of the omelets we got (which we got 3 servings of each!) but I did take a pic of the huge mugs of coffee and tea. Must be at least 12 ounces!

 And we had a 25% off coupon for the first month! I signed up for emails from them, and already got a coupon for 20% off one time in October, and free coffee or tea all month!

 Continuing to work on the crocheted baby afghans, this one more geared to a girl. We don't know yet if Little Baby Oehrl is a girl or boy, Samantha should be due for an ultrasound soon. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Been a while

 I haven't made a post in a while, because not much going on. I had my left eye lasered last week, because of buildup on my cataract lens. it's a 30 second procedure! Took longer for the dilation than it did for the procedure! Then it was eye drops 4 times a day for 5 days, and a check up on Monday. I'm good to go!

Monday was Eddie's 21st birthday, and Saturday was Ralph's 76th birthday. Heather threw Eddie a surprise party, and had a cake for Ralph, too. It was a fun day.

 Work in progress! Another for the stash, this one is more girl oriented, since I left out the blue. I'm still using up yarn that I don't know why I bought. I like to have a stock pile of baby afghans around. Steph takes one when one of her employee's is pregnant, and Heather takes one occasionally if she's making a raffle basket. And of course some will be for Samantha and Michael's baby to be!

I will be so glad when the election is over! I'm sick of the ads- good thing I DVR everything and can fast forward thru them. And I'm sick of that miserable old man and his loon of a sidekick. I really can't figure out why anyone is loyal to a felon, but seems that a lot of loons are. I've ghosted two long time former friends because they are so outspoken about him, and I feel better off without their toxicity. We aren't going back! Ever!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Foggy and humid

 It's a strange day. It's early for Indian Summer, but that's what it feels like.

The debate between the orange creep and Kamala Harris went wonderfully! She wiped the floor with the bastard! From the first moments, when she strode up to him as he tried to back away, and put out her hand so he had to shake it. She owned the debate from the first word. And the mods actually fact checked the lying ex prez, which did not make him happy. 

These two started 6th and 4th grades!


And this guy started clinical! I can't believe he'll be 21 next week! 

 Finished! It's baby afghan sized.

Speaking of babies, the family is getting one! Our nephew Michael and his wife Samantha are expecting! She's due March 2, and I hope she holds on til March 3, which is Julianna's and my late mom's birthdays. 

Plan for today- when Ralph gets home from breakfast with the Veterans, we'll make a library run and then stop at Walgreen's for a Rx.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 The month is starting well, temps have been in the 70's, with 50's at night. Great for sleeping!

 Our new fountain! I love it, and hope the birds like it.

 A recent read, highly recommend! Very good.

Julianna is a senior! How did this happen? Last week she was a 5 pound premie, and now she's driving herself to her senior year!


Granddog Mocha looking pitiful. She managed to tear her nail half off, and ended up at doggie urgent care. She has antibiotics and pain meds, poor pup!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Summer is back

 We were under a heat advisory yesterday. Thunder storms projected, but never materialized. We had our usual lunch with the teachers, a retired couple that I used to work with the husband. We always have fun meeting up with them.

And it snowed in Glacier Park, as per Facebook. Yikes!

 My sunflowers are looking good! We don't pick them, we leave them for the birds and the squirrels.

I just finished this from the library, so good! I've been reading the Cork O'Connor series for years, and I really liked this one. 

 Update on my afghan in progress, baby sized. I plan to do ten rows of white, then start the sequence again.

I saw a fountain on Facebook that I loved, so we ordered it from Lowe's. It came today, and Ralph is out setting it up now.