The high today will be 22! Yikes!
We got some snow, 3-4 inches. Because it sleeted first, it's a frozen mess. The boro plowed last night around 1 a.m., so the sun hopefully can do some melting. The sky is a beautiful blue at the moment.
Another 3 rows done, and sewed to the first 3 rows. It's like wrestling an alligator to get the heavy rows sewn together.
Finished! I'm happy with the non-traditional coloring of this baby afghan.
I ordered this yesterday, after thinking about it for a day. It just speaks to me.
And I signed up for these cuties. January and February are ordered, and I'm on the list for the rest of the months.
Sigh. And we get a FOTUS today. What a not funny joke. I'm not watching a second of the proceedings today, and I'm off Facebook til tonight. What a sad state of affairs.