Thursday, March 6, 2025

Quiet week

 I did not turn on the TV at all Tuesday, didn't want to add to the First Felon's ratings for the dismal state of our union. I read snippets of the action on Facebook, and that was more than enough.

 Hello March!

 I've been going thru photos on google, and came across these. When Manda lived in FL, she and Steph were pretending to be lost in the jungle of her back yard.

And I assume Heather was going to a school function. The hair! 

We went to Shop Rite on Monday, and Hobby Lobby on Tuesday. I hate HL's politics, but I needed soft yarn to make chemo caps for a close friend. Now I just need to get butt in gear, stop reading, and start crocheting!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Hello March!

 March is bookended with brother's birthdays! Frank is 75 today, and Mike will be 69 on the 31st. We also have Jules turning 18 on Monday, and the sad one year anniversary of Big Ed's death, also on Monday. 

Another page on the family calendar!

 And another finish to my collection of baby afghans. The blue is actually a baby blue, it photographed darker.

I did my part for no spend February 28, I did not spend a dime! And my rage is increased exponentially after the fiasco at the White House yesterday, with the First Felon making even more of a fool of himself, and the spineless republicans falling over themselves to agree and defend his actions. We're a laughing stock in the eyes of the world. It's so disheartening that he's fecking things up so much.

Monday, February 24, 2025

A lovely weekend

 Steph was home for the weekend! She has meeting this week in Virginia Beach, so came here first, arriving Friday night. She was going to fly to VA, but Heather decided to drive her! About a 5-6 hour drive.

So we went to see Baby Boone! Turns out her full name is Mary Jade Boone Oehrl, which I love so much. Mary for my mom, J for Joseph, and Ade for Adeline, who was Samantha's grandmother. She's so tiny and sweet. Her father said she goes from sleeping to awake and screaming for food in about 30 seconds!


Every princess needs a crown, so I whipped this one out for her. Samantha loved it, says she'll put it on her when they visit her grandparents, so they know who rules, LOL.

Steph brought me a late Christmas gift and made me cry. It's a suncatcher with my parents pic. I love it so much!


I borrowed this pic of a Mardi Gras colored hat. I may make one in a bigger size for Boone.

Steph and Heather left after we visited Baby Boone, and got to VA Beach last evening. Heather will hang out with her between meetings today, and head home tomorrow. Lots of sister time! 

It was so good to see my baby, and I was so sad for her to leave, but she'll be back, maybe in April.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Windy Monday

 It was windy and rainy yesterday, and windy today. Like, 50 mph winds! Our trash cans blew all over the place windy.

 Baby Boone! That bow! 

Heather brought me beautiful roses for my birthday, they smell so good!

 Someone else had a birthday! Huckleberry was a year old on Valentine's Day! She had a party Saturday with 4 other puppy frieds and some two legged friends also.

I didn't have the TV on all weekend, I can't stand hearing about Prez Musk and the First Felon. Just too disgusting and enraging. Sigh.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

It's my birthday!

 72 today, yikes! How did I get so old, so fast?

Last night my niece Samantha gave birth to Boone Oehrl, 6 lbs, 3 oz, so a teeny one. I asked my brother about the name, he said it's French for good, but a different spelling.  Being Mike, he said Boone is short for Baboon. Smart aleck. 

Squeaky in her cat bed. They also have a cat teepee that I sent a while ago, so she and Storm each have a hideout.

I have to get some thinner yarn and try to make these for Baby Boone.


I finished this yesterday. She's an automatic read for me, her books are filled with humor, romance, families, and pets, and a little smut, LOL. 

We got about 5 inches of snow, followed by rain, and it'll be 50 today, so melt that white stuff!

And President Musk and the First Felon are trying to melt our government, and the spineless Republicans are letting him. I just hope the First Felon keeps shoveling in the cheeseburgers. 

Friday, February 7, 2025



I'm front and center, because it's my birthday month! I was almost a Valentine! And it will be Baby Girl's birthday month, her mama is probably being induced the night of the 11th.

 This was on Deals and Steals, so I sent it to my Seattle grandkitties. Manda said Squeaky has taken up residence in it.

 April's pic was just released, these are so adorable. My pattern should come next week.

And February is again/still/yet filled with rage. I feel like I'm watching a slow moving train as President Musk gets ready to steal from all of us, and the First Felon fiddles. And yet so much of the country thinks it's just great. Sigh. 

And for even more fun, there were fraud charges on my credit card statement, which led to a half hour on the phone, cancelling the card, a refund, and a new card being sent. Sigh.

Monday, February 3, 2025


 January lasted soooo long! Especially since President Musk and the First Felon took over and are trying to dismantle the place. Every day it's some new felon.

I gave up on Canalboat, it just wasn't doing it for me.

 I started this one over the weekend. 

I bought a new Kindle, which should come tomorrow. I traded in my Kindle Oasis, which was 4 years old, had terrible battery life, and took too long to change pages.

This morning I had a foot doctor appointment, and we dropped off books at the library. Of course we got re-routed by construction. 

At least the snow is all gone. Finally.